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Revolutionise Your Fleet Management With Summit Fleet

Our Sustainability Initiatives

At Summit Fleet, we are dedicated to operating in an environmentally responsible manner and actively contributing to a sustainable future. Our commitment extends to various initiatives aimed at reducing our environmental footprint and fostering a greener, more sustainable business model.

Our Approach:

Summit Fleet is taking proactive measures to significantly reduce our operational emissions over the next three years. We are committed to implementing strategies that align with our sustainability goals and contribute to a healthier planet.

Virtual Conferencing for Reduced Emissions

Maintaining our pledge to environmental responsibility, Summit Fleet continues to prioritise virtual conferencing as a sustainable alternative to business travel. By doing so, we effectively mitigate the associated emissions, contributing to a greener and more eco-friendly approach to professional interactions.

Exploration of Low-Emission Fleet Options

Being an influencer at the forefront of the fleet industry, Summit Fleet is actively exploring low-emission fleet options for ourselves as well as our clients. We are committed to integrating eco-friendly vehicles wherever practical to our operations.

Advocacy for Flexible Working Arrangements

Summit Fleet encourages and advocates flexible working arrangements. This initiative continues to minimise employee travel, consequently reducing carbon emissions associated with daily commuting.

Energy-Efficient Lighting Upgrade Initiative

To address emissions related to electricity consumption, Summit Fleet has implemented lighting upgrade initiatives across all our offices and locations. This ongoing effort ensures that our premises are equipped with energy-efficient lighting, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendlier workplace.

Waste Disposal and Recycling Practices

Summit Fleet is actively working to improve waste disposal practices in our head office by utilising more recycling services for paper, plastics, and glass where possible. We are committed to responsible waste management and minimising our environmental impact.

Engagement with Carbon-Neutral Suppliers

We actively seek to engage with suppliers who have obtained carbon-neutral certifications, whenever feasible. This approach aligns with our commitment to supporting environmentally responsible partners throughout our supply chain.

Sustainability Council Initiatives

Established in 2021, the Summit Fleet ‘Sustainability Council’ comprises designated staff representatives, tasked with creating programs to enhance our sustainable business practices. This internal team actively explores strategies for reducing emissions and continuously improving our environmental footprint on an annual basis.

Our Business Commitment to Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability

Actions We’ve Taken

Customer Empowerment

Guiding Our Customers to Environmentally Conscious and Financially Beneficial Decisions